Once in the universe coexisted a set of seven,
The One, two, three, four, five, six, and seven.
One for papa, two for mama, three for the ninja,
Four for the journalist, five for Nicki junior,
Six for the architect and seven for the acrobat.
Seven became their best and favorite number,
It became the only assurance of love and family.
For their family, seven also meant complete.
It was an order, just like the days of the week.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, and then Sunday.
Each week had a seven, all the more reason,
They had to appreciate their greatest blessings.
And for each day seven became the most important,
The best number as time cropped in.
Each day for fifty two sets of seven a year,
They woke up and rose with the best,
The seven reasons to keep moving forward.
They were their most valuable team, incredible seven.
And each day they learnt to value each other,
Without one, there was the void none could fill,
Unless the missing one came home.
The incredible sevens were lovable, adorable,
Hardworking, selfless, funny, and troublesome.
They were also beautiful and handsome, besides
Being brutally honest, annoying, a pain,
Sometimes stupid and idiotic but wound tight.
But to them, they were worth the trouble,
And like any family, theirs was special.
Together to the end became their motto,
No matter how far apart, they were together.
And for seven days a week, they laughed, loved,
They pissed, broke, mended, strengthened.
The tests that they had to face were not easy,
Through the struggles and joys, they stayed united.
Do value your Sunday to Sunday sevens.