Wood. The room is covered by wood,
That’s the first thing I see when I regain consciousness.
There are several people around me,
We are a lot for this small room,
And I don’t even know one of them.
Well with the exception of him who saved me.
I feel dizzy and my head hurts,
I take it I fell, but the ways he studies me,
Tells me that this was no accident.
I don’t know what it is about him,
That makes me feel safe and protected,
But I want it to stay that way.
I try to sit myself up well, but my hands,
They’re tied, and so are my legs,
Something that is common for all here,
We are captured, and I try not to panic.

There’s gunshots outside, and infernos too,
The surroundings are burning,
But no one even makes a move to scream out for help.
This is too demented and why are we even here?
I want to ask the person next to me,
But he’s passed out and with a low pulse.
My lips are dry, busted and bloody,
My clothes so dirty I’m disgusted,
I ask myself what the hell is happening,
But I have no clue, not even where we are,
I want to ask him but I don’t know how,
Or even if I should trust him anyways,
But his loving looks give me hope,
That somehow he knows me and has answers,
That will tell me where we came from.

I hear screams outside and instinctively,
I close my eyes and ears, like it’s a routine,
I should be unnerved but I’m stranded.
So I ask the beautiful lady on my right,
And she tells me we’ve been here for months,
We were doctors without borders,
That the region was attacked by rebels,
And we’re victims of a war against the government.
The information is too much but true,
I look around and people look hopefully tired,
Despite the rough ropes we are tangled with.
I can now remember what happened,
Then I realize I’ve been asleep for over 8hours,
And that I was knocked out by them,
Which answers so many questions for me.

Home, my home, my mama and family,
Miles and miles away in the capital,
I just hope they are safe and okay.
The people around me are tired,
The breathable air is growing limited,
As smoke fills the wooden room,
People are struggling, some suffocating,
The door is chained to a liquefied gas tank.
Our captors are ruthless, that I learn,
The fires are growing, and our room,
It’s almost engulfed in flames.
We struggle to reach the entrance,
But he holds me back, saying it’ll be okay,
Though I can tell he’s scared too, we all are.

He squeezes himself through the crowd,
Trying to find a way for me and him,
But it’s too late, the heat is increasing,
It’s too hot and I’m thankful there are no children here,
But scared for the mothers here,
There is no hope for anyone,
So we stop fighting, holding our breaths,
Pray together, one last prayer before the tank explodes,
And it does. There was no miracle for us,
Just bodies engulfed in flames.
It hurts, so much, we really are burning alive.
I close my eyes as my clothes catch fire,
My skin tingling with so much pain,
My heart breaking and disappointed,
But he is covering me, protecting me,
Then I let the darkness take over,
And I welcome it with all my might,
At least my spirit will be at peace.

Lights, blinding lights, and I’m numb.
I can hear voices, and beeping beside me,
But I love this darkness, it’s beautiful.
I wake up later, covered in casts,
And excruciating pain engulfs me,
He’s not here, yet he covered me,
He saved me and died with all of them.
And I finally let my tears free,
Both thankful and heartbroken,
Because I survived and he didn’t.

About the Author

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