ONE AND ONLY by Pasithea Chan

We grew on different trees
Bearing hurt and maybes.
Until one day our leaves
Touched and nothing could appease
Our desire to live as we please.

Years went by like a lie
Showing me someone I can rely
When facing hurts that came by.
You found me and helped me fly
When all left me with a cold bye.

You were the sun that warmed me,
The bees that sang to me
In joy and sorrow willingly.
You comforted me
And showed me how to be me.

Yesterday we were different trees
But today we are one as our leaves
Face life’s shears like a fire that sears
Flesh to seal its tears to uproot fears.

May our bond always be sacred and free
For an eternity of joy and serenity.
Happy anniversary my best friend chosen family.

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