I apologize. I’m sorry. Forgive me love.
Maybe it’s really not easy for you babe,
I know it wouldn’t ever be for me,
I push my limits each passing day,
I do a lot just so you would look at me,
So you would even glance my way,
But I guess I really messed up then,
And I’ll just keep stating my apology.

Like a broken record I keep coming,
Doing the same things all the time,
Yet nothing is going to be enough,
Nothing is going to rebuild the trust,
If only you could let me in love,
I’d explain what really happened,
I don’t mind a lie detector test,
If that’s the first step of getting you back.

Months have passed since my apology phase
A lot of time has gone by but it hurts,
It still hurts like it just happened today,
My heart clenches with lots of pain,
My subconscious has locked me out,
My hormones are in great turmoil,
I feel sad and happy at the same time,
I’m drowning yet I feel drained.

My life sucks, I’ll actually admit today,
And I still feel like explaining myself.
There was never nothing between ‘us’,
I can swear I didn’t betray our love,
That girl, I was never interested in her,
And she was never mine to begin with,
She knew it, they knew it, all knew it,
So I assumed you also knew that truth.

I was wrong and it cost me you, love,
I wish I had explained myself before,
But you said you trusted me a lot,
That you had faith in us, yet you left,
When the first rumor saw light,
Now I’m left with memories of us,
And whatever is left of our love,
I’m in pieces but also in shackles.

I feel lost, I’ve been for the past weeks,
But it doesn’t matter how lost I feel,
If I still am without you anyways,
So I’ll keep sending apologies out there.
Maybe someday my burns will heal,
My pieces might just get fixed up,
But I’ll let you know my love,
I never betrayed us or my love for you.

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