Episode Zero

Drunk. He is drunk in the morning, again.
The slurry insensible sentences are proof,
That he was at the club the whole night,
Or maybe it’s just a show for me to think so.
My name comes disgustingly from his mouth,
And that’s how I know what’s coming next,
Something that I never subscribed for,
The one thing that I can’t break free of.

I hear him loudly scream orders at me,
Like some routine I’m at his feet, bent,
Massaging the feet of his “hot” highness,
Soft, gentle and slow, just how he likes it,
And his feet so crooked it’s even a wonder,
How they even fit in his socks and shoes.
After the massage I dip them in warm water,
But not before chastising them with a kiss.

For the hundredth time today I make a wish,
Praying for the nightmare to fade away,
For dawn to get me away from this darkness,
One that drowned me in before I could escape.
I want to get my life back, but maybe I’m late,
I let him do this to me amidst pretend perfection.
Because they thought we were perfect together,
The price I pay for my fear of the society. Ruined.

I have a class at nine o’clock, just half an hour away,
I’m not even ready yet despite rising up at six.
I’ve been preparing breakfast for his majesty,
Scrubbing and cleaning his puke from the carpet,
Making him a warm bath and bathing him.
I’m already worked up and it’s just morning.
I try to think of something good out of this,
But I’m too timid to move, of course he’s staring.

I came to campus to learn, to get better,
To understand and learn my future,
I had plans, that would improve my life,
I had no plans of love, of this crazed illusion,
The illusion that trapped and ruined me.
I used to be as feisty as they all come,
Fiery and could not take no nonsense,
But look at me, scared to death of him.

Him. He is just a student like I am,
Yet I can’t even look him in the eye,
Because that’ll just earn me a beating.
So I stay and hope the universe listens,
And warns the others of my situation.

I’m not looking to be saved, I can’t,
Wherever I go, he will always find me,
Sounds so romantic until you understand,
That he can’t let me go, scars and all.
I belong to him now, I’m his plaything,
A student like me, in the name of love.
I’m his obsession, his slave, his mistress.
I wish nobody goes through what I am.

Ps: If you know/think you are in an abusive relationship, do get out before its too late to save yourself. Don’t stay because he/she can be awfully sweet sometimes. Be good to yourself.

Sourced from phinabeth.blogspot.com as written by the voice of the voiceless, Osprey.

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