We are not a menace to what the males already have and our empowerment should not scare them because they have dominated since time immemorial and they still are. All we want is to partake in the responsibilities they have. We also want a taste of power so that we are able to represent ourselves when decisions are being made as you cannot decide for me without me because you are likely to do something against me. You need to put into consideration what I want.

We don’t want to be discriminated or favoured just because we are female. We want to receive similar treatment the males get in whatever field as we can as well endure.

We don’t need to rise above you but we want to get to the same heights you’ve gotten to.

We want freedom to be who we are and what we want and definitely not leaders who are money grabbers in the name of projects for women empowerment. We are tired of being beneficiaries and not anymore shall we play victim.

The youth together with women are the largest population and without their needs being catered for then we will continue flourishing in poverty which is the root cause for almost all the problems we have right now. Talk about economic degeneration, insecurity, inadequate education, poor health services, pollution, child marriage-the list is long.

That is why we need to bring the youth and women on board so that we can speak in synchrony.


We are after bridging the gap between what we want and what is actually provided and this will be possible if we are given the freedom to represent ourselves in power.

As women we have certain setbacks such as menstruation and it is never our intention to perceive this as a weakness but as a strength and for a very long time it has reduced our productivity as we can barely stay active for the whole month and because of empowerment we are able to see this as a strength and we don’t need to cast our heads down in shame when we are experiencing this blessing from God.

We don’t need to seek help obtaining sanitary towels anymore as they are now abundant and affordable and we can gracefully shed. And that’s why right now one of our main agenda as we advocate is to ensure there’s free sanitary towels that are accessible. If condoms are free and accessible then why not sanitary towels? Sex is a choice, menstruation is not.

I must say that I am for equity, for seeing an equal number of men and women in leadership positions. For a long time, women have been on the receiving end of a lot of injustices from society. A lot needs to be done with regard to them getting equal opportunities with the male gender. There’s still discrimination and objectification to be dealt with.

However, may I drive in some home truths. The assumption that womanhood is a single, universally shared experience is false. The problems women face today are not women’s problem, they are societal problems. Women exist in relation to the whole society, not in relation to men. The genders I believe, were created to complement each other. Let us not forget the fact that we were created differently. Whilst masculine energy is decisive, logical, direct, competitive, strong and result oriented; the feminine energy is soft, relational, emotional, creative and journey oriented. These energies are our strong points. We must understand and seize them.

Young women need to be impressed with the truth that their endowments; time, energy and intellect are a treasure. I call the three, ‘God’s capital’ invested in every young woman; an investment of which you are a steward expected to yield increase. Moreover, nothing beats the determination and willpower of a woman; she is resilient, dedicated and ready to do her best.

Every woman must say; I am, I can, I have and I must.

Finally, the world demands creativity, integrity and character. Therefore, arise and take your chances. Maximize on your energy, time and intellect; crowning it with conduct and classwork.



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