I don’t know what time of day you are reading this, but feel appreciated big time.
I know today is my birthday,
But I’ve never fancied mine,
I don’t know what it is about birthdays,
Why people celebrate theirs, so I’mma try,
But until I know how or what to do on such days,
I’mma keep thanking the Lord for everything,
Coz in the good and the bad, He’s never left.
Also, I’mma thank a few people who’ve been there for me.
So I’ll dedicate this to my people,
To the people who never left, even when they should’ve,
The people who didn’t silently watch me mess up,
The people who earned my trust despite my trust issues,
The people who believed in me,
The people who trusted me, even blindly,
The people who kicked my ass as wake up calls,
The strangers who became family,
The people I lost along the way but pushed me to be me.
For my woman, my world, mama. Hey mama,
See there’s something you need to know,
Something you must never ever forget,
That I love you, that I love you so much mama.
I don’t know much about my birthday,
Maybe because I’ve never been interested,
But there’s only one thing I’m sure of,
That you light up my world, you brighten it,
So on this day, I’mma say thank you, for everything.
For my family, I’m not good at these emotional things,
Y’all know I’m a runner and a sucker for such,
But thank you for the love, and the lessons,
I know I’m not easy, hell I’m nothing less than stubborn,
But then you stayed ? which means that you love me,
Feeling’s mutual.
So yeah thank you for being my family,
Crazy we may be, but that’s when we are real.
To the people who never left, even when they should’ve,
Thank you, not for staying, not for changing your minds,
But thank you, for being an essential part of my life.
To the people who didn’t silently watch me mess up,
I appreciate your concerns, and your guidance.
To the people who earned my trust despite my trust issues,
You people deserve gold medals that I can swear,
Thank you for being genuine and real with me.
To the people who believed in me, jah bless manze.
The people who read my work through and through,
Those who helped me work on my potential,
Those who believed and still believe I’m a brand,
Those who keep me on toes to write and code more,
Si mbarikiwe Sana, I really appreciate you humans.
I’ve fallen countless times and even wished to stay down,
But you always have been the helping hands, thank you.
To the people who trusted me, even blindly,
Who believed I wouldn’t breach their confidentiality,
There’s a special place for you in my heart,
Coz I know it takes a lot of energy, so thank you.
To the people who kicked my ass as wake up calls,
It might have costed you, but you still did it anyways, for me, thanks sana.
To the strangers who became my family and team,
Y’all know I’m picky, very very picky,
But even with my picky ass you still benched my walls,
Thank you, for doing whatever you did to get us here.
To the people I lost along the way but pushed me to be me,
Thank you for being a part of my life,
It don’t matter how long, you were an experience,
A lesson or even a teacher, so thank you.
To those people we eat with,
The people who give us food, heaven is home ?
And to everyone I may have not mentioned,
Thank you for being a part of my life in whichever way,
Maybe we bonded through work,
But it doesn’t matter,
Because today, on my birthday,
I celebrate you.
Thank you and happy birthday to me.
Ps: I think I just grew up ?? literally and emotionally and physically and whichever-cally fits in there. Anyways, I may have ranted a lot but Lord you all are worth the rant, please remember you are worth everything, and that you are important to me, and to all of us.