In life we come across so many questions everyday, some we really like to answer but others we won’t even try. Have you ever been asked a question that you really wish not to answer? Maybe because of being rhetorics or rather for reasons best known to an individual. Such questions are infinite but let’s talk about this; “Tell me more about yourself.”
Well, this is a question that we all have to meet in life in two different occasions. In one occasion we really hate it with passion but in the other occasion it’s inevitable and we just have to do it.
At various points in life we all have to do interviews. This is the most simple thing that most people fail because of very little reasons. But that aside. Let’s stick to our topic. In many occasions the panelists will ask you to tell them more about yourself. This is where many people mess. Whenever you meet this question during an interview, here are the list of the things you should talk about;
Personal information.
This is also referred to as bio-data. This is the information about you as the job seeker. It makes the panelists have an idea of yourself. Here you can talk of your name, address and contact information. These are the very important things here and please remember to be precisely brief since the interviewers are either tired or even still having very many people to interview and would really like to save on much time.
Field of career.
For all job adverts made, there are qualifications needed for each post and the duties well explained. Here you just talk about your career. For instance, I’m a journalist who mainly majors in investigative journalism or print media. By saying this the panelists are able to evaluate whether or not you are fit for the job.
This is a very important thing that you can never afford to skip. Whether you were employed before or not you should be having achievements. In cases where you haven’t been employed before, what personal achievements have you made to make you more fit for the job? But if you’ve been employed a priori what did you achieve in your previous positions. Just name them all here; certificates, trophies, tenders are just but a few to mention.
Talk about your skills whether or not related to the job you’re seeking just do it because at some point they can be very much important. What skills do you have for this career? In addition, what other soft skills do you possess? Here, soft skills refer to whatever you can do besides the job per se. Nowadays employers like hiring people with a variety of skills to help reduce on the cost of remunaration. For instance, besides being a journalist I possess statistical and analytical skills eg SPSS and STATA, I’m an editor of both audio and video recordings, am a graphics and designer and so on. These soft skills are what makes you unique from other job seekers and the more you have them the more you increase your chances of getting the job.
In conclusion, it’s very painful to lose a job because you are unable to answer very simple questions. This question should no longer trouble you since you already have the headlines of what to talk about in an event it arises. Now as a good reader, go out there and conquer the world. Get that job!