Here iam sitted alone in a Gazebo watching the sunset just to have a rest and escape from the reality and the cruelty of this world.
I close my eyes in a slight mode and take a flight to another world, A world where discrimination is a word known by nobody,
Being born dyslexic, autistic, with down syndrome or with any other disability no longer means you are less human but you are just human with a manifestation technique from God to show the world that you are unique.
Yeah I know my skin is flawless my big brown eyes are irresistible. my long black hair falling gracefully on my shoulders is a big turn on
This beauty is so conspicous such that you won’t realize behind it all lies a disability, you will be so glued to my beauty untill you won’t realize the pair of crutches beside me,
beauty is big round clay plate inscribed inside your lower lip,in others its the amount of bangles in your neck, waist and wrist so what makes you think your definition of beauty is the best and most correct?