You never really liked crowds, even your smile was shy
maybe a little too tall, but I guess that way
You might get me a star one day.
a fine sieve, nothing gets by you, detailed
and a scrawny little thing wrapped around.
yet you still manage to warm my heart,
so I walk a little slower when I’m with you
cause you always scared to even look at me
hide from you once in a while,
so you wouldn’t think I wanna break your walls.
Sometimes when you hold my hands, I wanna never let you go.
But I get scared you might think I’m too clingy and run from me.
So for now, I’ll enjoy the sweet shy moments we have, as I hope for a love ever so bleak, I’d soon break for it.
they say I get quiet these days, maybe
they should meet you too, that way
I’d know if its only I that would create my own world
just to forget everything else but you.
you always too inquisitive, but never asked the wrong questions
maybe one day, you’ll take a shot at me
maybe in the end, I get to die in your arms.