Hey mister Chris,
Were you not planning to be a catechist?
But what happened when you went to meet the priest?
I thought you were discussing the message of Christ…
How come I found you on his chest?
Was it not your lips that he kissed?
My presence to you was an arrest
I couldn’t help but notice the unrest
A closer look and I saw you were half undressed.

Hey mister Chris,
Lately you go for Bible study
You have a zeal so steady
Verses you have so ready
But when the church is at study,
You two smooch in his study
I wonder how you never guilty
You two have gotten so steady.

Hey mister Chris,
You are now his true disciple
Do you want to keep up still
That you sure you’ll handle the pill
Or you going for the kill
You now have a bad rash
Your lips are red in ulcers
Maybe you have anal blisters
Your act has brought you scars
Your sin is worse than cancer.

Hey mister Chris,
You tried to tone down
Before becoming the talk of town
But he had knocked you down
You can never manage it on your own
You now share a gown
Next is a crown.

Hey mister Chris,
The talk is hot like magma
To your mama,
You are an enigma
Putting me at a dilemma
Chris should I tell her a lie
That dust filled my eye
That I never saw you lie
That you never undressed the priest nor remove his tie
That you only went to make him a pie
That the rumors will soon die
And she won’t have a reason to cry
But you’ll secretly nurse your blisters dry
Oh mister Chris…

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