A Refugee from heaven

I feel deep pains amidst my thoughts
Let me share it out like the guy with writings
From the depths of desolation
Poetry is the newest evolution
And I am the ambassador of poetic solutions
With loads of questions

Right from the beginning as it written
As it was planned
A plan to save a wretched sinner like me
When I ponder on the grace of God
When I contemplate on the love of God
and the miracles, not few, but a lot
my thoughts cannot contain him
But when I think about Him
About a GOD
A loving God, a loving father I call him
I wonder if in all of existence, there exists
A more beautiful lie than him
and his love is a lie,
for which thousands of truths are worth denying

When I think about him
About a GOD
An omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent God
About a God who cannot be fathomed
Full of mighty qualities that cannot be grasped
One whose greatness is hard to describe

The pains in my thoughts ache the most
Who am I before him or what am I to him?
Because as for me, I am a refugee
Who is running, seeking a refuge.
So dead and deeply lost in my sins
That even the creator had to die for me to be alive
When I was drowning, sinking in that deep abyss of painful thoughts
Where was he, where is he?
When I needed him the most?
To salvage me, grab me by hands out of all the misery
To embrace me, never to let go
Never to give up on me, where?

I am a refugee from heaven
Forsaken and forgotten
With a sad questioning story
A story worth to be told and worth to be listened to
A story of a sinful me and a Glorious God
Sinful for my questions, my thirst for knowledge
Knowledge about my Glorious father, self-imposed glory
A story of death and life
Am dead in sins, he is an ocean of immortality
Where death is turned into life
But I am a refugee from heaven
Once a citizen in the nation of holiness
Where shall I get refuge
I fit not in hell

About the Author

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