Voice drowned in fear,
All I had a single tear,
A tear that couldn’t tear your efforts,
You conquered my strength,
Felt like this was my end,
Had no strength to fight,
Had to give in,
In to your grips,tight,
Thought I knew you from sight,
Thought I could conquer your might,
I was wrong, to trust you,
Was wrong to believe you cared,
Was wrong to think you were human,
Was wrong to hope that you’d stop,
Was wrong…wrong ,
Felt helpless, couldn’t save my own self,
Couldn’t protect my own me,
Had to face it, you won,
You tore me apart,
Piece by piece,
Every grip registered in mind,
Every word stuck in mind,
Every action played in mind,
You left a memory, I can’t wipe,
You left a pain I can’t erase,
You left a fear that never dies,
You left a scar I can’t heal,
And a heart I no longer feel,
A space no one can fill,
A reality that can’t be buried,
A memory that makes my world dark,
A memory that leaves me stuck,
A memory that has an unforgettable mark,
You killed what I was,
Brought fear to my world,
Made me realize that man is just a word,
But a creation that would lead to a ward,
My life’s a mess,
Everyday feels like am stuck in a cage,
The memory is all that plays on stage,
My nights turned strange,
My sweet nights now nightmares,
All I hear are screams,
All I feel are streams,
Streams of tears,
Screams of fears,
Fears and tears that’ll last for years,
A sad story to the ears,
But a proven truth to the seers,
A story for life…..

Art…: Nyakayu

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