A rattled soul
restless to the core,
He was an untamable beast,
Untill he met her,

She was arrayed in pure Beauty,
Her eyes patted the roughness,
Her smile;shone like dawning rays,
her smile was the first of it’s kind he ever felt,
They were Love;lost
and they’d now found each other,

She lived for the Moments
he would carry her to the peaks of mountains,
He loved;her grips as they sour higher,
They would sit on the Clouds,
they’d watch blue nothing’s,

Her Beauty made him so proud to be
his Beast,
He didn’t need to growl;
their Love roared Louder,
they synced Brighter than the moons Shine,
He didn’t need moonshine like werewolves;
her Beauty was his full-moon-effect.
The Beauty and the Beast,was
an understatement,
To them,they were;

Poet Rays ?

About the Author

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