Iced cold

The birds don’t chirp the way they used to anymore. Ever asked yourself why they are always so happy in the morning, at dawn and when dew on the mist is still on the grass? On this particular morning, I could only hear one bird and her voice was faded, tired and hoarse. As usual, I went out to see the light and feel the embrace of fresh air and atmosphere yet another day.

Something seemed wrong. The grass was so dry you’d think it’s already dehydrating. It’s color had changed to yellow that didn’t mean brightness or happiness but shouted angrily for help. The bird was still chirping and by this time, it had started shivering, not from a cold or from the rain but from the fear that had surrounded it’s habitat.
In a way, I wish I could help out. Bring back the serenity in both the grass and the little bird but nature has it’s way of sending warnings to us. A menace had already been pronounced before us. A virus with no vaccine that has made the whole world turn into tears and disbelief.

Uncertainty on whether you are next to be unwillingly glimpsed by it and unsurety of if you’re sick, will you survive will you not?. Curfews and lockdowns that forcefully are keeping us indoors not knowing where to get out daily bread the next morning. Why then will we not break down if whatever we are striving for is just a bare dream shattered by the measures we have to take. Why won’t we get ulcers and hypertension if after 15 years of marriage it’s the time we realise this was not the right person to marry. After seeing and analysing their character and personality within one week of being indoors.

Children crying for basic needs that are becoming a struggle as well and others realizing their daddy is no papa any more but a ‘papa’ that can swallow them and their mom any time. Floods destroying our homes and even putting our loved ones into demise. The danger is all over. At least that’s what the bird and the grass were trying to communicate. Normal is not normal anymore until we watch our steps and watch our every move.

Even though we are put under the carpet, remember one day the carpet will tear out or better be removed ready for washing. And in this scenario, all our transgressions and worries will be washed away. We may lack control over nature but eventually , the pieces we got broken into will all be put together and will work in totality once more. Don’t you hear old is gold. And to be old, we have to bear marks of what we have been through. We will smile again. We will hug, kiss and embrace each other again. We will be happy again.

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