Covid-19 Disastrous Effect On Students

It is now more than one month since schools were closed in the country because of the corona virus pandemic. Primary schools, secondary schools and institutions of higher learning were all closed. No one was spared. Everyone is living in the Covid-19 world. The country is facing economic downturn with many businesses closing down, increased layoffs and a spike in unemployment. Students in institutions of higher learning are among the luckless multitude feeling the pinch of this novel corona virus disease. Learners have been affected both physically and psychologically; their mental health is likely to worsen.

Loss of social contact
Social life is important in a person’s life. Having a strong social contact helps to reduce depression and mental problems. The close social life that students have in school is vital in achieving their goals, both in their daily lives and in academics. It is always an ecosystem full of brilliant ideas, the pre-corona world. The covid-19 world has detached comrades from their social network. Every comrade is now at home. The free physical interaction in: hostels, lecture halls, library and even the awesome religious activities in no more. The glue that held the students together is being destroyed by covid-19.

Loss of usual ‘income’
Everyone loves money. A penny in a pocket drives ones problems away however little it is. When in school and you receive a token from your parent or guardian, you always feel like a heavy load has been lifted off your head. Covid-19 has cut off this pocket money. Majority of parents or guardians wouldn’t give their kids pocket money when schools are closed. They presume that they are catering for all your needs. Students who run small business enterprises in colleges are not spared either. They have closed down their businesses. HELB loan that could have salvaged the poor students from their financial crisis is no more. This is a loss of usual ‘income’.

Loss of self-esteem
Self-esteem or self-worth is a feeling of being happy with your own character or ability. Loss of usual income more often than not puts people in a state where they have low self-esteem. When one has a feeling of low self-worth, one tends to focus on a short term survival and one’s decision making is span narrowed. Covid-19 has brought a negative self-esteem among students. The encouragements and words of advice from the social network is no more. Mental stress and depression might arise, students are less confident about their ability to succeed. The prevalent pessimist news on social media platforms have largely led to low self-esteem among students. However, the Holy Book states that each day has enough trouble of its own; therefore, even during these tough times, we should be optimistic that this will soon be over.

By Omondi Bonface,
Student at Moi University.

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