Hail children of our fathers! What went wrong with the way we were wired? What went wrong with the way we’ve been tailored? Is linen still considered as a fine clothing material or was it only used in Adam’s generation? Where and what is that we can call ours? That we can term as our own and nobody else has ever had possession of it?
Hail generation of “wanna be(s)”. When you were little, you wanted to be a very reknown person who probably has all that is desired in life and is admirable as well. Do you still want that anymore or now do you want to be just like your ally who has a better living standard than yours. Don’t you wanna look as good as Queen looks when she has put all her make up on. Don’t you want to have an attractive body like one of those so called Kardashians? Don’t you want to have money so that you can get yourself more than what your best friends have? I bet you do. Different ages, different dreams. What changed ? It is time or is it you?
“I know the pain of having nothing, as I was born in a humble family and grew up with nothing to call my own” This is a statement her best friend kept saying every now and then to justify her so called hardworking spirit.
She could do anything to make sure the pain did not replicate itself one more time. “You’re such a babe. Give me your number.” And without hesitation, that’s where her sad story started.
She was finally getting to feel how it’s like to live a life full of excitement and very little or no tears. She had someone who would give her any amount of ‘cash’ and she could also ‘cash’ it with her ‘properties’ which she thought she owned. It’s always a do for a do. Nothing is for nothing. And in our days of ‘do me a favor’ she could not ask for any more favors. The card had already expired.
“Why do you look dull? Aren’t you happy with the typpa life he giving you? ” An inner voice from within would roar. Looking at the mirror and seeing a totally different person from who she was reminded her of all her trials and tribulations throughout her ‘happy life’
She took what was never hers. Masked her face with a different look to hide her real identity. Wore clothes that gave a different shape of her body. Used money that belonged to someone who she never knew his real name.Made drugs her new best friend and walked everywhere with them like her shadow. But still, the shadow was not really hers.. it belonged to her clown.
A life that was not her original dream. A life she stole from someone else’s dream which was stolen from someone else. Confusing, right?
Take off that mask that you’re putting on. Get yours. Something different. Something unique. But if you don’t have the courage to do so, don’t vent because of what you don’t own. Afterall, every cloud with its silver lining. Your lining doesn’t have to be silver. Might be even better. So.. what’s yours?
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