When I ask you how your day was, it only seems logic to say it was fine even when it wasn’t because you don’t want to burden another with the tale of the waitress who didn’t get your order right and you were too scared to correct him or the rude conductor who shouted and humiliated you in a matatu because you asked him for your change or the ignorant bank teller who seemed to be in his worst mood and he was lashing at everyone. You didn’t tell me how tired you are of the recent rainy days because you always come late from work and you keep forgetting your umbrella and there’s too much crowding at the bus stop so you get all soaked. You think it’s all trivial, that it would seem petty if you said it so you just shove it down.

The other day you almost got sacked for being late for two weeks in a row and you can’t tell your boss that every morning you struggle getting out of bed, not because you are lazy but you just don’t have the strength to face another day so you just stare at him as he yells. Yesterday, you didn’t shower, not because it was cold, but you just didn’t feel the need, you are too tired to do anything. About a week ago, the guard at your work place asked to see your ID, it’s routine, and you yelled at him, you felt attacked and now that you remember the whole situation clearly, you feel pathetic about yourself.

Here’s the thing, you shouted at him out of frustration. He hadn’t done anything wrong but you had so much anger built up and he triggered you. You are angry at everything and everyone. You are angry at the baby who was crying endlessly in the supermarket, you are angry at the teller who took a minute longer to serve you, you are angry at life. So you begin to pull away from everyone and you go back to your dark cocoon, surrounded by your miserable thoughts but life doesn’t have to be this way.

You don’t have to pull away, you just have to let it out. You don’t have to be all alone in this cold world, reach out to a friend, call someone, anyone, just don’t be alone. You don’t have to make huge changes in your life, just try a different tea flavor. Get out of the house and just walk around in town. Appreciate the beauty that is all around you, we are all here for you so reach out and let us surround you with a warm embrace. Just breathe .Happy mental health awareness month?

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