The rain patters outside
A grey mist dances around,
And a chill settles in her bones.
She held it in her hands
It felt cold… Really cold
And the weight was comforting as it was scary
All she had to do,
Was pull the trigger
To end her misery
To end the seemingly endless winter
That had settled into her soul
And frozen it solid.
The cold that had painted her lips grey
And stolen her voice
Leaving her incapable if words…
Her mind trapped in the endless fog
A battleground where anger and fear waged war
Where despair bound hope
Her thoughts left broken and scattered,
Never giving her a moment of peace…
She gently trailed her fingers along its grey exterior
And she wondered…
Which was more deadly?
The gun or her thoughts?
With a fragile smile and a lone tear trailing down her cheek,
She raised the gun..
The gun gave her opportunity
But her thoughts…
… Her thoughts pulled that trigger


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