Happy Mother’s Day to all best ladies

Happy Mother’s day

Dear ladies,

I wanted to write you a letter to thank you for the many things you do for your families. You deserve more thanks than I could.

I would like to thank you for always being a loving mother to your children and teaching them how to be kind, generous people.

First of all. thank you for being my number one support system when we needed you most.

Thank you for standing by us when we had to make difficult decisions.. The lessons you have taught us about life and how to be successful at whatever we do will take us far.

Thank you for teaching us many life skills and lessons, such as how to cook, how to drive and most importantly, how to be more independent.

Mother showing a child how to cook

We love how you dance to songs on the radio while driving and sing along. You mean more to us than we can put into words and you are the most important women in our lived.

Mother driving while singing

The relationship that we have with you is something we cherish and we are very lucky to have such a close bond with you ladies.

You are one of the biggest blessings in our lives and we hope you know how special you are this Mother’s Day and always!

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