I feared failure
I feared messing up
being a social misfit
the more i feared sinking the cracks
so addicted to perfection i was
so when i finally failed.
The candle went off
The blazing hope tossed off
All my expectations dashed into a toast
toasted beyond recognition
Then i found a friend,
A friend i knew nothing about.
A sudden unbreakable bond
Grew between us
It started plutonic
then more intense and intimate.
Help me sink in my panic
something more like toxic
but with him toxic was cool
He pulled me in
we locked ourselves up
Every other second he whispered in my ear ‘We are safe’
Safe from the world
safe from the hurt
safe from criticism
safe in the dark .
In the Dark
No one would see us cry
No one would notice our agony
we were invincible,
We cuddled and enjoyed the warmth of pain
Never felt hungry, he fed me
He fed me with Aggression
and i never saw the need for therapy session
For i had found a friend.
legaC ?
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