Why alter people’s states?
Where are you from?
Why kill our loved ones?
Why bring our lives misery?
Depression who are you?

People u’ve left in tears
Brought ruin to innocent souls
You’ve left wounds in our hearts
So hard to heal leaving sorrows
Why do you wanna destroy us?

I want you to disapear
Iet innocent hearts free
As a nation let’s declare
That this monster shall flee
‘Cause depression you’re an orge!

Thus saved will the victims be.
Bringing happiness and joy
And healing to affected souls
That depression wanna destroy

Its everybody’s obligation
To wipe out this notion
That depression kills
In order to bring it to a drill.
Then this fight we’ll win

Let’s not show stigma
To those yet struggling
to fight this monster
‘Cause together we can
Destroy this vice depression

Depression won’t be a treat
To any person at all
No’nes health to deteriorate
If we stand in strength
To peel off its power

@ kerubosiko

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