Hurt in some way had became a darling,
It was a knotty itch I wouldn’t rid,
An Inevitability of walking the path I did,
I had grown fond of the turmoil that stirred inside,
What more could I do?
The feeling of a dry cotton wool stuck amid the throat,
Didn’t make it any easier either,
I’ve gazed upon the bright diamonds in the sky
Twinkling, beautiful,
Except to me it felt like I was gazing upon coals,
Filled with emptiness and despair,
I’ve gazed upon the sea spread wide,
I’ve seen schools of fish go round and round carefree,
I’ve beseeched the deity that lies in the waters,
To haul me to the depth of the big blue,
Perhaps then would my pains be washed away in an instant,
Perhaps then would my pains dissipate in the forever shifting tides,
I knew better, I knew it wouldn’t ensue,
I was a man destined to saunter the paths of affliction,
I was a man meant to overcome, meant to beat all Odds,
Cliché? Maybe,
The reality of being human,
Is to live from one challenge on to another
It is to learn to unlearn and relearn
To earn, to go broke and to earn once more
It ain’t a goose chase
It is human reality.