I might be a black powerful poison,
But my intentions are not hidden,
You are a beautiful thorny rose,
You prick without notice.

I’m not so desperate and deep with secrets,
I handle every scandal the right way
You are very proud and rowdy,
All your deeds spread like wildfire.

You never listened to Trevor,
You pretended to be her lover,
You pushed me outside your walls for aiding your separation
But all I did was getting you protection.

I wanted to save you a good time,
The fine moments you spent on wine,
I wanted to let you stay in the clubs at night,
He was tired of facing the walls to the right.

I needed to grant him the peace he deserved,
I already became a knight by dark,
Protecting the happiness you harnessed alone
Rebranding the man you left at home.

I have taken him,
I still stand unshaken,
So prepare yourself for a lifetime war,
Because in his life you are soar.

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