I broke her heart, She did no harm,except, I did hurt her, I had to make peace the only way I knew, So I excerpted
Bad daysDays of lonelinessFull of emptinessTryna harnessBut life surpasses Days of depressionEverything on regressionNo earth revolutionStill no solution Days when all is dullNothing is cool
She saw, she loved, she respected and she lived by that. Everyone thought she was taking her time to make herself realize how for granted
In most parts of the country, businesses of all kinds, especially the small and medium-sized enterprises, have borne the brunt of the effects of COVID-19.
Back then a discussion arose, on when a woman needs to get married, the conclusion was; when she feels she’s ready. When is one supposed
I look at you,Racing heart, scrambled thoughtsSweet gestures and whispered secrets…Fond memoriesA time when all was rightWhen I thought I meant something to you…But then…
its another day,broke as yesterday,another month,am lossing my worth, all this time,thinking the worst,yet no one cares,its like they got no ears, pardon me if
Fathers are watered downAnd they work till downIn there tears they’ve drownA smile is there pretentious gown I know many men are absentSome drink so
Isolated, aside pushed Wasn’t my choice, That my parents died of the virus, Wasn’t my choice, That the same impurities run in my veins, Your
But today it’s too early The buds are immature Roses aren’t ready to bloom Why not wait for the sun tomorrow? Some dreams have to