Effects of Covid-19 to Kenyans

Covid 19 is a worlds pandemic disease caused by corona virus whose originam is China. The disease has led to many loss of lives in most of Europeans countries like Italy, Spain, and USA in American continent.

Furthermore, the pandemic has been of both positive and negative impact in Kenya. With a total of 2000+ infected Kenyans at the moment , the pandemic led to closure of institutions and has today hindered the access of major towns and cities in the country.

The pandemic has also been advantage to some university innovators. Lately,Kenyatta University students invented a simple prototype,inexpensive ventilator that are being used by infected patients at Kenyatta University Hospital and Mbagathi for breathing.

KU students on inovated gadget

Students from Technical University of Mombasa were not left behind. With help from county government of Mombasa under Govenor Ali Hassan Joho, they invented a simple gadget that is being used by pedestrians at Nyali Bridge and Likoni Ferry for sanitization to curb further spread of Covid-19 the worlds pandemic disease.

Sanitizing Gadget at Likoni ferry invented by TUM students

The pandemic has therefore not been of only harm but as well is has brought more benefits especially to those students who have invented gadgets that are being used to curb the spread of the disease.

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