Ever asked yourself how life would be like if we viewed it in only one dimension? How it would be like if only one side of a story existed? If only the greater things are ever talked about? Only one side of a coin was ever there?

Well, the thought of that makes everything seem impossible to exist. It’s just like how the flesh cannot function without a skeleton. How two eyes would see better than one eye. How if the heart works along with the brains, good decisions, opinions and over views are made.

Just like there is the good and the bad, day and night, yes or no, so is there male and female. Moreover, just like there are people who don’t know where they stand, they want to be good but are bad at the same time or even they want to say yes or no but instead keep one waiting or taking several jobs in the bush, so there is transgender.

Male, female or transgender; all these are great genders that should receive equality at their best. They not only complement each other in life but also work as independent beings and achieve more than just a dream.

Some even go to an extent of working on dreams that aren’t their own just to keep their loved ones happy. What a sacrifice!

It’s always good to pay the good with the good. More like eye for an eye but in a better way. Valuing all genders and giving them more than just what is scribbled might sound like a gender equality, it might sound like a balance achieved. It all starts small.

By accepting and holistically loving the gender that one is in, that opens up the doors for accepting other genders and treating them fairly and equally just like one self. It starts from deep within. Gender equality is just like how no food cannot be made without water and heat or rather fire..
On one hand, there is male, on the other hand there is female and on top of the head, there is transgender. All working in unison, a balance is striken. Let’s all treat each gender equally , after all, we are share the same things for survival.

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