Happy baby, excited to join the world

Clueless about what awaits her

She doesn’t understand that there are systems in place and beliefs set

Those that will work against her gender

Its like being born and someone takes charge of your life until the day you die

Thats the fate that awaits Ann

The smile that she holds as a baby

Slowly fades as she grows

Which shouldn’t be the case

As she grows, she ought to blossom

And ride on the adventures that life offers her

Sadly, she might not get a chance to understand what Education is

And if she does, she might pursue a path that they believe suits her best

Not the one that she desires to pursue

She might also be seen as an asset, to be sent off to another man’s life

Without her having any say and what might buffle her is why her brothers aren’t facing the same

Incase she manages to go through school, she might face underpayment and less exposure to opportunities

They believe she’s not qualified, not because of her qualification but because of her gender

These in summary would mean, slow growth, slow development, dreams shuttered and silenced

Voiceless is her only option

Not so good, right?

So let’s make it different for Ann

Just as innocent as she was happy and exicited about life and ready to grow and develop

Let her blossom and guide her through it as she does so

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