Dear wifiey
I remember the smile you had
When I finally fitted your finger with a ring
The vows we made, to help each other
Now you turned tables on me
Screaming at me the littlest chance you get
You have made me doubt my value
Overburdened me with our homely duties

We are both on a pay slip
But from your purse a cent never slips
My peers have suggested whips
Your actions make me weep
But I won’t touch you
To the public you have declared me
The deadbeat dad,
for a while I have been sad

My mother taught me well not to pick chores
So I didn’t mind picking you for I knew
I can blend well with the utensils
My fingers would easily slide through the dishes
And dry the glasses gently as I would hold your waist along the streets
As a foody I wouldn’t wait but slide to the kitchen prepare something
It was a hobby that you turned to be your phobia

I wouldn’t be asking for too much
If would ask for peace of mind till next March
Maybe if you’d spare me your words that leave my heart with a scratch
And in case we are torn apart you won’t make things hard to Patch
For you are more than just a woman you have a heart and you are human

African Black Bird?

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