Isolated, aside pushed
Wasn’t my choice,
That my parents died of the virus,
Wasn’t my choice,
That the same impurities run in my veins,
Your blood pure clean,
I’m simply locked in my own world,
Away from the rest.

Weak, heavy loaded
Wasn’t my choice,
That I lacked a home,
Wasn’t my choice,
That I came to live in your house,
But why the hard labor?
Why the horse whips now and then?
Why deny me of the very essentials in life?

Vulnerable, easily broken
Wasn’t my choice,
That I’m young and naive,
Wasn’t my choice,
That I’ve got a pretty and innocent look,
Daily you take my dignity away,
Nights are not meant for sleeping,
My tears bear bitterness.

_Daughter of the village chief_

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