We all look up to brighter days ahead when what we’ve been persistently working for will come to accomplishment. Living in thoughts that no moment is ever similar to the other no matter how alike times and situations may look. Aren’t we told that there’s always time for everything? Well, there comes a time when the rise of domestic violence have to be faced and fought right head on as we done for loosing all these battles.

Domestic violence. Yes, you heard right. You’ve heard of it, been a victim of it or even been a culprit. Many a times we tend to think that if the term violence is brought out, it surrounds around physical abuse. That’s not entirely true. Violence is torture that doesn’t have to be necessarily physically inflicted but can also be mental, psychological or even emotional.

Being domestic means that it’s being done by a person close to us. A person who has our trust. A person who we least expect. On the contrary, it’s not a wonder as we are always warned to be very cautious and vigilant as no one can hurt you most like the one you love.

How do you bare seeing your loved ones go through domestic violence? Families getting on each other’s throats. Mama and Papa always hurting each other. Siblings not getting along as violence is what they’ve been nurtured through. Afterall, Papa slaps mama whenever he wants , so why can’t I do the same. I’m older than you remember? Your elder brother. What I say you do. What is this? Some kind of family conspiracy where violence is the main ingredient?

I heard Jude and his wife got divorced and the families are now at war. They even want to separate their kids. Who should we blame? Whose fault is it that Mary , Diana and Ken are in denial that their family will never be whole again. The funny rather the sad part is, Diana who is the mid child is being conflicted upon as it’s not yet agreed who will end up with her. Mama went with the last born Ken, daddy took Mary , the first born . It wasn’t really fairly done but is gender equality always given anyway?

When two bulls fight, it’s the grass that gets hurt the most. Children are resolving to depression and others even becoming fully mentally tortured seeing their families cramble into pieces. Mama and Papa… why? Why are we doing all this not considering what the mini tiny you would feel? Yet you claim to love them as much. Do you?

This goes to all those loosing it even in the presence of their children. Parent-up as a parent you already are. Be disciplined and control your violent emotions for the sake of your kids. They need peace as much as you do.

If not for you, do it for them. Happy families, happy kids. That rhymes pretty well. Quit being violent. Remember even the wild can be tamed to be domestic.

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