Lavender is among my favorite colours. It speaks as to the numerous times I have had to explain myself, not just to other people, but to myself as well. Lavender represents the beauty of the purity, silence, grace and calmness. The serenity that lies therein allows for relief and relaxation. In silence lies truth and peace. Having to constantly check yourself so that you don’t talk too much, don’t worry too much, don’t expect too much, don’t accept too much, among other things, it’s difficult. But lavender allows calmness to slip in and at that moment, the purity of a moment to be yourself, to experience grace that abounds from within. But one can never just be lavender.

I admire the indigo aspect of my life. See, indigo reflects great devotion, wisdom and justice along with fairness and impartiality. There are those times when I am enraged about some kind of injustice, the thriving haves, the constantly less thriving bourgeois and the apparent have nots and endless debate on who’s truth is right. And I may lash out in desperate search for the culprit behind the unfairness that plagues the world. Then I realize it’s in vain if I don’t first change my unfair tendencies first. Then I revert to yellow.

Yellow on one hand stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy, but on the other, it represents cowardice and deceit. Often times I’m too scared to fully embrace change in life, to accept that people and things change, I change. And I end up lying to myself that I’m okay as along as I’m above the water. But I have days when I am joyful and optimistic about life, about the loyalty of the people around me, about the clarity I get from great intellect. Then I revert to the beauty of red.

Red is the color of blood and fire, it is associated with meanings of love, passion, desire, heat, longing, sexuality, sensitivity, romance, strength, leadership, courage, vigorand willpower among others. This is for those times when my relationship is going great (you know what I mean) and everything I touch is flourishing. Those days when money isn’t the dominant problem;rather it’s use. But then, I see red it her days when all I see is red: I experience rage, anger, danger, malice, wrath and stress over little things that don’t add up, neither do they leave my mind, questions swarming all over and no answers in sight. It’s all I can do not to fall into an endless black abyss.

Black… Black is the colour of death, evil, and aggression, rebellion and sophistication. These are the worst but I manage to add a little bit of meaning and come up with power, fear, mystery, strength, authority and elegance. Then I walk out of that abyss, with great determination to conquer.

Green is an amazing colour. It is the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, of growth and harmony. It rejuvenates. I smile at the beauty that is exuberantly displayed by the beauty that is turquoise that stands for emotional balance, good luck, spiritual grounding, friendship, tranquility, patience and intuition. And I smile. Because I’m happy.

I’m happy. Not because of one particular colour. It’s because I’m a rainbow in my very essence. I have times of white, grey, silver and others. I’m a kaleidoscope of colours. And they ensure I am alright, whatever happens, I am safe. And I fully embrace the colours that make me.

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