Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me.
That old saying is such nonsense.

Words are things that scar me.
Words are bullets for the soul.
Words are double edged swords.
Words cut deeper than any razor ever could.

Words cause deaths that bullets never would.
Words are eggshells that we walk on every day,
but when they break, so do we.

The great wars of the world never came about naturally.
They came from words.

Words are what bring us together and what break us to pieces.
Words are glue that fix broken hearts and the hammers that smash mended ones.
Words can be the boost we need or the straw that makes us snap.

Hate did not come naturally, it came from words.
Today, politicians use words to spread lies and empty promises.
Today, people shun anyone who believes words written 3,500 years ago.
Today, people use words to tear others to shreds.
Today, violence isn’t started with actions.
Today, it is started with words.

Words can hurt or they can heal.
Words can make the difference in life,
but at the end of the day they are just words.
You can choose what words you use.

Use them wisely.
They can be the difference between life and death.

Poetry in my veins ♥️


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