Got so high then fell down like thunder. Tossing and turning and the head spinning with shimmers filling the air. Nothing was clear. Nothing was straight . Nothing was defined apart from one small catastrophic issue; the drug effect was taking other.
Young mind, small problems, little duties, nil obligations. What a pretty good start to have a test taste on what life can offer! Got mama and papa to cater for everything I need. After all, they always make sure there is surplus and excess so I can go having my own time of life.
Trying not too hard to get to adulting as I don’t want things looking up to me for accomplishment. The only hard thing is the hard drugs I do on a daily basis that make me feel all at ‘peace’ and in the abyss. Last night mama gave me a little money, so I had to do what I had to do. I had to steal from her parse.
Going to paps account and getting some as of now I need a little more than before. I’ve added to my list of daily dosage you know. I got coke to pay for, injections to do and that ‘Mary’ with her best for ‘Jane’ who I have like already married.
I don’t need any distractions at all. Whoever comes my way will have to pay the price. Remember what I did to my peddler when he showed up with the incomplete package. Lacking in what I love most. My all time hero , heroin.
I’m gaining power and strength day by day. So I I’m the King. I am the lion in the jungle and when I roar, all of you should be bowing down hailing me all the way. Whoever does the contrary, my dungeon probably needs more company. I’ll beat, tear, ruin or even shed blood for those obstructing me. My middle name has changed to violence.
It feels good to be praised, honored and feared. And boldly speaking, I don’t want to let go of that. Wanting sounds like of the weaklings.. I CAN’T. I I’m the fearless ruler. I say you do. Through anarchy or dictatorship, you have laws to follow.
My laws are simple, I ask for my drugs, you quickly bring them. In need of money , you provide. I say drugs, you say ‘Hail drugs’ . Whoever doesn’t oblige to that will end up like my old granny who kept preaching on how rotten I’ve become. Or my two friends who snitched me to the officers. They’re all missing a vital part of their body. You feel me? Now , I’m no one to be tried or dared.
Scared? Oh, did I just ruin your moods? Fear and tension goosebumps all over? Easy. This is not as messed up as it seems. Its all good if you and I say no to drugs. If we don’t only try but do away with anything that can lead us to loosing our sanity or even hurting those around us.
Violence based on drugs is dominating our society today and it’s becoming uncontrollable. Let’s all join hands and tame this wild behavior for the greater good.
No drugs, no violence. Our safety is basic.
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Osprey Empire.