I was hiding in a corner when I watched him loose it before his little kid. The way he shouted at her, treated her like a grown up person and told her all sorts of humiliating things without a cease. How he held her carelessly that if she fell, a big loss and pain would be incurred. He was being violent on an innocent kid and when I finally couldn’t stomach watching everything, he blamed his behavior on drugs.

I remember it just like it was yesterday, flashes running through my head and the thought of it is not a beautiful view. It’s not a place I’d rather be. I keep asking myself why such insanity or rather wild behavior would/is blamed on drugs.

I highly disagree. It’s not entirely the drugs fault to having violent behavior to those around. In my opinion, actually it’s never a drugs’ fault. We all just want to call a spade a big spoon forgetting that big spoon has it’s actually name.

Drugs don’t converse. They neither put any actions or order a person to exhibit some unadmirable character. It’s the mental status of a person that becomes so loose that everything else is shadowed. But one thing is for sure, this only applies to those weak people who usually go looking for excuses to use for their behavior.

Why do drugs while you know they will cloud your mentality? Why risk hurting who we don’t know who in the name of drugs? Why make those you love and trust loose their believe in you? Why scare them? That little kid still calls her own dad a monster. Recently, I heard her mom shouting at her asking her why she said that to her father. With my inquisitive self, I dug some more and found out that she now has been refusing to have any close glare, touch or relation with the dad , in the name of ‘Dad might kill me’

No one wants such a ruined reputation, especially if it’s coming from those who know nothing else but frankly speaking their mind out; the children.

Don’t allow drugs drag you down or put you in rags so you can finally realize that they are using you when you’re thinking you’re the one using them.
Have a deep thought about it. Lower every high character that you have if you’re in such a situation or you regret having been in one.

Avoid violence based on drugs And to do this , there is only one hundred percent effective way that every one knows of. Can you guess which trick it is ?

Too slow to get, coz I can see you’re quite high and wasted right now. Anyway, sober up!

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