None said its gonna be easy
Sometimes all seems crazy
But life is a sweet misery
Better still we need not be weary
Cause there’s still hope in the dark
When everyone’s gone
You got nowhere to run
Nothing makes sense
To every situation you prone
Failure is one of them
But its from a fall we get a rise
Cause there’s hope in the dark
The past was history
Yesterday brought worry
But today’ll bring forth glory
So its time you keep believing
Even when its dark
Light the candle
And shine with sparks like lightning
We all loose at times
Get and feel lost sometimes
But keeping our hopes alive
Is something we need to strive
Cause there’s hope in the dark
Don’t stress
No need to cry
There’s more reason to smile
Just be thankful
There are more chances daily
Don’t give up
Sorrows may pile
Disappointnents may bring u down
But give praise that the storm will soon be over
There’s more sunshine than rain
There’s potention in pain
Keep moving
Don’t quit trying
Wipe those tears
Continue the journey
Don’t give up yet
You are on your way to victory
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