Hello ex- girlfriend,
Hey! It’s me, Daniel,
I request of your self to listen,
Lend me your ears and mind,
I need to take you aback a little.

So, here’s the deal,
I want us to go out for a midnight party,
With stars for lighting,
And the zephyr for a fan,
And the darkness for company.

I have a few great partners who’ll be joining us for the dinner,
They are going to make you shed tears of joy,
And at the same time laugh out your pains,
They have met you before this time,
And they’ve been battling my soul to have a rematch with you.

I hope you remember the red teddy bear,
He says he misses you and wouldn’t mind hugging you again,
He’s been lonely for a year now,
And definitely needs company,
One that only exist in you.

I have *”JackDaniels”* with me,
He’s been sending me nightmares full of your pictures,
He says he misses kissing your sexy mouth,
And dancing in the inside you,
So I picked him for the meeting too.

The city also misses seeing us walking through it at night,
He says he’s not had any sweet dreams since you left,
He’s oftenly scared of the Filth that comes with street families,
And all the races between drunkards and the hungry policemen,
He wishes to see you again.

I believe now you have an idea of how many partners are waiting for you,
Those inside the laughs you seized,
The pains you sparked,
And those suffering from all the dullness that came with your departure,
The whole world is waiting for you!

Our meeting times stands at eight,
See you then ex-honey,
Don’t forget to dress up in our second date attire,
I believe it’ll send a message to the moon,
So it protects us all night long.

Let’s experience our love one more time,
Even if we are going to part ways in the morning,
I’ll have paid all the debts that keep haunting me,
I’ll have my problems and wars withdrawn.

Your ex-lover,

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