Sijachelewa( I am not late). We’re still in January, the year is fresh fresh. Twenty twenty ended. I wonder how you feel about that-comment below.
Disclaimer: It may appear as if the writer is targeting people with a particular train of thought.
We all share a bond created by Covid-19. Wuhan left our lips some time back. Corona is right behind although it will take a while. I don’t know how 2020 was for you. All in all, were in a new year, 2021.
Kuna vile sisi hupenda kurukia mwaka mpya na kufarihia sana mwaka ukiisha. Mwaka uliopita ni mfano mzuri(kulingana na maoni yangu) wa mwaka uliofurahiwa sana ulipoisha. My Swahili, hehehe.
Resolutions give us an opportunity to reflect upon our lives, review our direction, set new goals…I feel like I am saying the same thing. At times we get caught up in setting restrictive and at times destructive New Year goals. Not only are they restrictive but also unrealistic thus setting us up for undue pressure and disappointments. There’s this narrative that suggests one can achieve total transformation in under 366 days. ‘New Year new me’. Why in such a hurry as if you’re broken?.
Before you try (futile mission) to completely erase the past year, have you instead evaluated it, processed, embraced and/or accepted it happened while continuing to live in your present with the hope of better days ahead?. Experiences and events leave a mark in us either in the form of a memory or lesson or something else.
The past was once our present. And you know all we say about living in the present moment. Heck, there was a time it was our future but now, you know what it is. Sitajirudia saaana. When we lived through our past, it left marks on us, be it physical, spiritual and mental. Before you totally dismiss 2020, think of how it impacted you. Don’t stay there, because you have a present to live before it joins your growing collection of past.
The past is not your enemy. When used well, it is an asset, a reference point. To a memorable 2021.