Just like a river without a source My love for you dried The love I couldn’t oppose It’s not like I never tried I still
I want my sight back My eyes are sick Without eyes this life sucks The universe is paying back It has the craziest comeback It’s
Beyond the shadows I see a frame.Beyond the waters that make me lame..Inhaling the breeze of the rippled waves.The effect so extreme leaves me ablaze.
What is going on in your life and has your mental health taken a hit?
Being the first leaf must be pretty tough huh!? Experiencing the first burn of sunshine, The threatening sounds of thunder and rain,? The scary push
Hello, I’m talking to everyone, Everyone who took part in lighting each star in my sky, Everyone who took a bow for my Peace’s sake,
Love and happiness Even when there are a thousand reasons to give upWhen everything seems to fall apartAnd the glass threatens to crashWhen the road
I miss usHow we rocked the universe..We made it ours.We owned it allWe did rock and rollThough from different world’s we cameThat never made us
Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure in normally pleasurable activities.
Tell me How do I love without youWhile you ring in my mind alwaysHow can life be enjoyableIf you ain’t part of itI met you