By Josephat Msagha

My emotions clouded with darkness

So dark demons could shine in them

Ravens could dance along my pain

Sometimes i envy watching birds

Precisely doves kissing under the full moon

Holding each other so closely with trust

Makes pain fade away like a dream

Left in my abyss on what the full moon holds

How it enlightened the two love birds

The skies clouded with dark clouds

Felt like watching a reflection of myself

Stars so bright demons could flee

Flashbacks to the nights i watched it

Renew its soul through reincarnation

Moonlight so bright and completely illuminated

Brightened up the clouded emotions in me

Sparking a ray of fullness in my soul

Reminded myself of the phases it goes through

Its cycles of growth and decline

Watching how it glowed ,up in the sky

Ushering a new dawn, leaving its past behind

Representing completion and height of power

Realizing its desires and peak of clarity

Taking note of the progress it had made

Celebrating its own growth through time

Reflecting on how far it had come



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