A lot of words have hurt me in my life But none of those beat the ones you told me “We’re just friends, nothing more”
As the moon shines across the world tonight, As the stars align perfectly across the sky, As the wind swirls around the mountains, I want
I remember thinking Of that one looking Girl, she had an exuberance About her that I liked I started being dreamy of her I fault
The seduction glimpse, Contents her no more, Her intention, To kidnap my attention. Another soft smile! Wasn’t even requisite, I was already giving in for
I’ve lost the freshness of cogitations I’m reduced in strength And I can’t take on this feeling My face is withered with a washy affection
So significant were you that I measured time from the moment we met and from the moment I lost you. What lies between the lines
It was so tough so good for a lifetime lesson She told me that she wasn’t into it That we could only be friends Because
I’ve been awake for a while now But I can’t bring myself to get out of bed Because out of it, everything is so real
I count the hours And I count the days Cause I miss you In so many ways I miss your voice I miss your touch
My eyes were the first to forget – How your face turned when you were upset My ears were next to forget – The sound