A heart that’s been broken is a heart half dead
I say this for I’ve had my share of ache
Each inch of me knows the devastation
Each piece of me shy every confrontation with love
I tell myself with conviction
That I won’t fall
Except my mind is deceptious
My heart is but wise
I fail myself over and again
For before I know it
I’m right where I began, hurt
Nay I’m a fool
To think I’d find comfort were thorns peek
To think I’d find calm in the cruel blaze
To think I’d find warmth in the blistering cold
Nay I’m a fool for I don’t know better
I’m a fool for I don’t heed
I’m a fool for I don’t learn
Endlessly I’m drawn to the same path again and again
A path where broken hearts are made whole
Only to be broken once more
PS: MY heart is but wise, but in the right place it can be. A place of compassion for self, a place of inner discovery and inner tranquility.
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