The seduction glimpse,
Contents her no more,
Her intention,
To kidnap my attention.
Another soft smile!
Wasn’t even requisite,
I was already giving in for her flashes,
But she still decided to release her dimples.
With folded arms on her bust,
That’s the safest posture on my sight,
But my assumptions contradict hers,
So she launches the two bombs.
Sitting is no longer a comfort to her,
My presence reminds her standing is better,
To her, it’s better with no hidden hip,
So she turns to showcase the back build-up.
With a completely weakened attention,
Totally screwed to her creation,
I’m submissive at last,
For I can no longer hold my lust.
Personality successfully abandoned,
Knees pressed on the rocky ground,
My aorta pushes the clogged messages,
Then my mouth prepares to emit the words.
With emotional salty waters from the rivers of my eyes,
The words from my heart are pushed out in bits,
Wi…ii…ll you…uuu beee…e maa…iiiin plea…eease?
I wished I could have blocked their escape route.
The feedback being the worst version of nay,
Accompanied with piercing words on my chest cavity,
A deliberate attack to my blood-pumping organ,
I’m beaten and broken.
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