Meet a Fragmentary vessel
A vessel that broke a lot of times with no hopes of repair
A vessel that fell from Essential tremor hands
A broken vessel that has no grip
Only the broken pieces you’ll see
Meet a shattered pot
A formless and shapeless pot
A pot that has been molded with no success
A broken pot that was once desired by the potter
A pot that was an epitome of beauty and pride
Only the broken pieces you’ll see
Meet an antique mirror
A golden framed mirror with countless cracks
A mirror that once reflected God’s confetti
Today people call me a broken facsimile
Disconnected from reality
Battling tragically with myopic dreams
Only the broken pieces you’ll see
Today I wink at my scars and cracks
They are marks that made me complete without blemish
I am like the sun on the rise .
@Luvate Stella
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