The great question now is; “What will we do with the remaining hours?” We may have our nutrition right and well balanced in strict adherence to all the concerns of temperance, and even achieve the model eight hours of quality sleep, but all these can be watered down by the hour we operate within the remaining hours carelessly spent. The rest of the hours are spent at work, at school, on social media, and on socializing. Here, is where we will become giants of thought, or dwarfed into mere inebriates.
This therefore brings us to the third tidbit, as we culminate these mind boggling series. Our third mental health booster is therefore, The Consciousness of Right Doing.
This could be a strange teaching to many, especially the choice of words in which it is packaged. However, the sentiments, when well understood, will be appreciated by every rational human being. The absence of this means being a victim of cognitive dissonance. This refers to a conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistencies between one’s beliefs and one’s actions or other beliefs. Therefore, consciousness of right doing is having peace in the mind because our actions are consistent with our beliefs.
It is quite clear that this casts a beam of light into our lives in general. Your spiritual persuasion, how you conduct yourself at work, in your relationship, at home, and in all activities you enlist yourself to perform. If you are a Christian, you must live your life in such a way that you are fully persuaded that God can be confident in having you being presented to the world as a model Christian. The same should be if you are a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or Agnostic. Be satisfied with your performance at work, and confident that you have given your very best. Give your all to the family or the relationship you claim to be committed to. Give your very best everywhere and preserve yourself mental peace that cannot be corrupted by guilt.
Most people are sad, stressed, and harrying down the valley of depression, not because they are actively accumulating depressants of life, but because they are not being useful. Anytime something bad happens to them, they can almost with certainty, attribute it to some neglect or moral lapse. A life led that way is an enemy of mental health.
A consciousness of right doing, is a dose that will keep you healthy, both in body and mind. It is a crowning tonic to our nutritional discipline and a reliable circadian rhythm.
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