Depression usually presents various symptoms that sometimes make it difficult for one to live a normal happy life. In most cases, an individual becomes emotionally drained and feeling withdrawn from any activity.
One of the most soul-destroying and debilitating aspects of depression is that it creates a feeling of helplessness and a sense of reduced self-worth. Thus, one easily loses hope and might feel like life isn’t worth living
anymore. When not appropriately addressed, such feelings often complicate the mental health status and treatment or recovery efforts.
However, research has found that feeling hopeless and helpless can be significantly reversed through the renewal of purpose. Many tend to overlook the impact that lack of purpose has on our mental health – and its role in mental illness recovery.
Finding or renewing your purpose in life can significantly get you out of despair and shine light into your life. Firstly, what is ‘purpose,’ and how do we create or find purpose in life? Basically, ‘purpose’ is the primary motivating factor in life – it is that which gives you meaning. Having a purpose in life instills hope and enhances a sense of fulfillment. Consequently, it has been affirmed that having a sense of purpose helps individuals manage life challenges, anxieties, and depression.
How to Create/Renew Purpose
Define your Core Values – Values are the fundamental beliefs that we hold. Therefore, critically ask and analyze what you believe as it is critical in helping you set up your life goals.
Undertake in Something Creative – Always try doing something crazy or creative such as singing, painting, writing, etc. It is normally claimed that creativity opens the mind. Therefore, by indulging in something creative, you can come up with great ideas that can change your life.
Do Something Good for Others – Doing something good for others or even helping them solves their problems often creates a sense of fulfillment. Consequently, this gives purpose in life. You can do something good for others through indulging in charities, community projects, volunteering in a children’s home, etc.
Exercise – Nothing spells purpose more than exercises. Exercising is one of the best ways of improving mental health. It is also a form of self-care. Performing regular exercise can help free your mind and helps create or renew your purpose in life. Therefore, consider joining a nearby gym and dedicate yourself to working out.
I’m stressing this because when you’re in good shape, you will be confident and motivated to face anything in life.
Talk to a Therapist – You can also consider seeing a psychologist to guide you on how to cope with depression; and assist you to understand yourself better. Through this, you can also understand your core values and renew your life purpose.
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