I’m a victim of texpectation
When you chat with me
I’m a victim of destinesia
When I think of you
They will butt-dial us
They will butthurt us
They can’t withstand
The bond of veridical affinity
Because they can’t separate us

We belong to a youniverse
Whether they call you a tradwife
Whether they become hellacious
They will rage quit and
Leave us to chillax
They will zone out because
You are beyond all praise

With you I can’t suffer from nomophobia
I’m a crazy-wise Stan in this adoration
I heard them calling you a doppelbunger
It is true that they can’t cope with our match

Whether hiberdating is becoming a
We’re still not errorists for that
Let them have nonversation
While I prepare an internest
To see your snaps on twitter,
Instagram, Facebook, snapchat

Whether they call it cupidity
I believe that badassery is
Your eccentricity
Whether they speak in circumlocution
I believe that our success remains
Capricious to them

You’re John, I’m the revelation
You’re Job, I heal your wounds
The episode of masturdating
Has elapse now
I’m the passenger in this drive
I don’t know what’s going to
Happen with calming carcolepsy

The antidote to my problems
Soothing like a night-rain
You accept vicissitudes with equanimity
Your forbearance has no comparison
Like carbon sink you absorb my hanger

Let us leave them they are Buzzkills
They won’t like our enforced camaraderie
Don’t accept their beguiled blandishments


~Texpectation – At the point where a text message is sent to someone there is an expectation to receive one back, this wait…usually long and painful is known as the “texpectation”

~A tradwife (short for traditional wife) is a neologism that denotes a woman who prefers to take a traditional or ultra-traditional role in marriage, including the beliefs that a woman’s place is in the home and that wives should submit to their husband’s authority.
~Internest – A cosy place in which to search the internet
~Errorist – a person who propagates an error
~Carcolepsy – an instance of forgetting the purpose of a journey upon reaching the destination
~Destinesia – It usually refers to forgetting why you went to the kitchen, garage, etc.
~Youniverse – derogatory term for the world as experienced by a narcissist.
~Nomophobia – The term NOMOPHOBIA is used to describe a psychological condition when people have a fear of being detached from mobile phone connectivity.
~Baderssery-Behaviour, characteristics, or actions regarded as formidably impressive.
~Masturdating simply means to date yourself. The term means taking yourself out and spending some quality time with yourself – you with you. There is no need to wait around for someone to ask you out on a date, dress up and go for it.
~Hiberdating– to ignore friends when you start dating a new boyfriend or girlfriend. A workaholic, for example, could easily go overboard and start hiberdating when they meet someone who sweeps them off their feet.
~Nonversation – Conversation that seems meaningless or without logic.
~Buzzkill-one that has a depressing or negative effect.
~Equanimity – Calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.
~Buthurt – Overly annoyed, bothered or bugged because of a perceived insult; needlessly offended.

~Chillax – Calm down and relax.
~Vicissitude-A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
~Hanger – hunger + anger.
~Veridical – truthful.
~Hellaciousvery great, bad, or overwhelming (hell + fanciful ending).

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