Mama, I’m Scared

I was taught that the police cared,
That they were good, people,
That they restored order, and maintained peace,
That they were the protectors of our lives,
That they were humane and kind,
But mama,
My teachers lied to me,
Never warned me of the rogue officers,
They made me believe in what didn’t exist,
They created a fantasy mama,
An ideal that barely saw light,
And now in the rogues’ hands,
Tomorrow is not promised mama.

When we were young, we had dreams,
To be better people, live a better life,
Join the changemakers of the society,
Be doctors, engineers, teachers,
military officers and even police officers,
we had dreams that gave us hope,
But mama,
now we’re scared,
of the people who we should have relied on.

Why is everything so different?
Why did they change so much?
When did it become a battle between us and them?
Families are breaking
When did we start a war?
It hurts mama,
Knowing that tomorrow is an illusion,
And love is just a fairy tale.

The rogue officers broke our trust mama,
They ruin lives and kill without mercy,
Everyone is in tears,
For the dreams that were murdered,
The ambitions that should have been protected,
The future that should have lived,
The lives that didn’t need to be lost,
The young and old are in danger mama,
And mama, I’m scared.

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