Only If

Only if
I tend to think that I am invisible,
But the mirror proves me wrong,
The pat on the shoulder I give my friends,
Screams my visibility,
Louder than my “Listen to me voice” screams.

But ironically,
Every time I crack a joke,
They hear my voice,
They listen,
But when heart breaks,
And cracks into tiny little shells,
They don’t hear it.

Maybe my heart should thunder,
So they can hear me,
So they can listen,
So I can be heard.

I am a man that needs an ear to hear,
Like every human does,
But you don’t give me an ear,
They don’t give me an ear.

My mind caves into the dark,
And my heart breaks,
I have no ear to listen,
I have no hand to hold,
My feet can’t walk no more ,
My heart beats in a slower than it did,
I find colors dull.

Please don’t judge my hopelessness,
I stand as a wounded soldier,
I have fought,
I still fight,
But it gets harder to breathe everyday,
It gets harder to hope.

I need someone to see me,
Not just my smile,
But the hurt that lies under my smile,
All I wanted was someone to listen,
But all I was served was a plate full of silence.

If only someone listened,
If only someone served me a plate of attention,
And dined with me as I poured my heart out..
Only if.

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