She Lied

I always saw people in love,
And wondered what it would feel like.
Was it cold or warm,
Or a nice feeling,
That would last just a moment?
Was it hard to find,
Or would I be able to find it,
anywhere on the streets?

I wanted what the people in love had,
And I yearned for it.
I needed to know how it felt,
Till I met her.
She was terrible for my heart,
But she wasn’t the kind of bad,
That made me want to run away.

She was my addiction,
The one with a beautiful smile and love,
That made me want to thank the heavens,
Every minute.
She was a star in my world,
My beautiful light,
And I loved her,
Maybe too much,
Because she still left my ass anyway.

Now that I look back,
The only thing she did,
That destroyed me,
Was to love me,
with everything,
She had and did not have.

She gave me the love I saw in movies,
Only to leave me in the end,
For the damn cemetery,
The audacity.
And it hurt so bad,
It still hurts.
She promised she’d never leave,
But she lied.
How could she?


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